A series of dense and detailed sequences of buildings that reflect on the quintessential urban typology of the contemporary city.
The skyscraper.
Working within the strict lines of the brass and steel sheets, the hand drawn lines speak of cities like New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong.
Knitting together fragments of the urban skin and details from personal memories of these urban landscapes, distilled within these rectangular slivers of metal.
Departing from the traditional medium of pen and paper, this line of work lies between a sculpture and a two dimensional drawing.
These pieces are freed from the typical frame and the physical limits of the pieces are an integral part of the work.
Tel. 0120-897-192
東京都品川区西五反田3丁目3番2号プラウドタワー目黒MARC1階 ショップB
Wed - Sun:11am - 6pm
© 2024 by EVERANDART

Vasco Mourão Solo exhibition
Nov 29.fri - Dec 1.sun
11月29日(金)から12月1日(日)の3日間、アートスペース EVERANDARTにて初の海外アーティスト Vasco Mourão(ヴァスコ・ムラオ)の個展を開催。彼は、Apple や The New Yorker などの委託作品を始め、個人コレクター、ギャラリー、施設向けに大規模な壁画も手がける。現在、東京のポルトガル大使館が支援するクリエイティブ・レジデンシー・プログラムに芸術監督アートディレクターとして招かれ、来日中。
会期 :2024年11月29日(金) - 12月1日(日)
営業時間:11:00 – 18:00
休廊日 :月・火曜日
会場 :EVERANDART(エバランダート)
住所 :東京都品川区西五反田3丁目3番2号 プラウドタワー目黒MARC1階 ショップB
アクセス:不動前駅 徒歩6分、目黒駅 徒歩7分
【Outline of the exhibition】
Dates: November 29 (Friday) - December 1 (Sunday), 2024
Opening hours : 11:00 - 18:00
Closed: Mondays and Tuesdays
Address :1B, 1F, Proud Tower Meguro MARC, 3-3-2 Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Access : 6 min. walk from Fudomae Stn. and 7 min. walk from Meguro Stn.
Inquiry: info@everandart.com

Vasco Mourão
スペイン バルセロナを拠点に活動中。
Gallery Underdogs (リスボン)、Galerie Porte B. (パリ)取り扱い作家。
A Portuguese artist, illustrator and architect.
Based in Barcelona, Spain.
Obsessed with the drawing of cities and architectural forms, his practice has been establishing itself through line drawing, usually with only a black pen, by way of which he creates dense, intricate compositions blending both real and imaginary structures and spaces. On paper, wood, metal or a wall.
Producing an ongoing body of work that focuses on the perception, texture and memory of the contemporary city that has been showcased worldwide.
Inhabiting a place between fine art and illustration, Vasco also works in commissions for the likes of Apple and The New Yorker, as well creating bespoke artworks and large scale murals for private collectors, galleries and institutions.
Recently Vasco was invited to be the Artistic Director of the Creative Residency Program supported by the Embassy of Portugal in Tokyo.